The new year brings with it so many opportunities to continue on your path to your healthiest self. No matter where you are on your journey, Innova Primary Care is here to support you every step of the way. We know that making changes or continuing consistency can be a challenge. We also know that you are most likely inundated with goal setting, tricks and tips, and all manner of advertisements offering you shortcuts to health. It is easy to become overwhelmed. For these reasons and more, let’s look at simple ways to incorporate health into your everyday life.

Innova wants you to be rooted in health

True health isn’t a one-time decision. In all honesty, you have the opportunity to choose health every single day. However, when the choices you make come from the root desire to be the best version of yourself, it takes some of the sting away from the challenge of change.

Healthy New Year

Health is forward-thinking

We all love instant gratification. Seeing our reward right before us after a single decision would be remarkable. However, to have your healthiest year and healthiest self, you will have to release the need for instant gratification and enter into the slow game knowing that healthy choices have a compound effect that isn’t seen in the short term.

So, how do you make forward-thinking health decisions when you don’t always reap the rewards instantaneously? One decision at a time. Let’s consider this strategy with two of the four pillars of health: sleep and nutrition. Of course, health is more than sleep and food, but these two pillars are incredibly significant, and implementing small decisive changes this year can go a long way towards the healthy you and year you desire.

Sleep is vital for a healthy new year

The first decision you need to make is to value sleep and all it does for your health. While at rest, your body is busy repairing itself. Your brain is consolidating memories. Your hormones are in the midst of regulation. So sleep is crucial for a healthy year and a healthy you.

There is no way around it: you need sleep for physical, mental, and emotional health.

So, how do you get it? After deciding that you will prioritize sleep, the next decision you need to consider is what time you will go to bed and what time you will wake each day. Many experts agree that having a set bedtime and awake time, even on weekends, can help you when it comes to your sleep hygiene. And remember, most adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night, with many experts suggesting that the best range is between 7 to 9 hours a night.

Create a bedtime routine

Once you’ve nailed down your bedtime and when you will arise each morning, the next decision is how to create a bedtime routine that works for you. One option is the 10 3 2 1 method. No caffeine for ten hours before bed and no food or alcohol three hours before you hit the sack. Two hours before bed, stop working, and turn off screens at least one hour before you are ready to sleep.

The 10 3 2 1 framework may be a great place to start your planning. You can also enhance your sleeping environment so that when the time comes to catch your zzz’s you are in great shape.

How to create a suitable sleep environment

Before you decide how to create a positive sleeping sanctuary that works for you, let’s consider what makes an environment conducive to rest. The best sleeping environment is dark, cool, noise optimal for the individual, and comfortable.

To create a darkened space, consider blackout curtains and an eye mask. Temperature is vital for a good night’s sleep, so set your thermostat at a cooler temp for better rest. Noise can make sleep a challenge for some; if you fit into this category, earplugs may be a solution. If you sleep with your cell phone in your bedroom, turn it silent and turn off any alerts.

Hopefully, these sleep tips will help you usher in your best rest yet. So now let’s turn our attention to nutrition.

Healthy New Year

Good nutrition decisions do not have to be overwhelming

Now that 2023 is here, you are most likely seeing a barrage of advertisements for the latest and greatest weight loss miracles. Gyms are in a hard push to recruit all those who finally resolved to get fit. The information can be overwhelming and, in some cases, wrong. The reality is that good nutrition isn’t rocket science. For those trying to make the best choices that provide health now and forever, you do not have to let the influx of lousy intel create chaos in your decision-making. Let’s look at the simple decisions you can make for nutritional health.

Start with information

If you want to eat better this year, your first decision can be to track what you are already eating. We suggest you stay far away from sweeping declarations to eliminate all sugar and alcohol (although this may be a good thing for you to do down the road) and simply discover what you are actually eating daily. You can use an app like MyFitnessPal or good ole pen and paper to do this. The critical thing is to be honest. There’s no judgment here. Instead, record what you are eating and how much. From there, you can start to incorporate new habits.

Stick with whole foods

The decision to eat foods in their whole form, eating an apple versus an apple-flavored gummy or roasting potatoes in the oven rather than grabbing a bag of chips, is the simplest and easiest way to start. Keep. It. Simple. We’ve over complicated nutrition with all of the fad diets and cult-like eating styles when the truth is no one “diet” will suit everyone. Find the foods that work well with your body and try to eat them in the unprocessed state as much as possible. That’s it.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

The next decision you can incorporate is to eat more fruits and vegetables. That’s it. Nothing revolutionary here. Fruits and vegetables have incredible nutrients that are vital for health, so why not take advantage of all mother nature has to offer and up your portions? And here is the deal, if you don’t like something, you don’t have to force yourself to eat it. For example, if tomatoes aren’t your thing, try something else. There are so many different fruits and vegetables to choose from; you don’t have to settle for ones you do not enjoy.

Eat in balance

This decision allows you to consume nutrients from multiple sources and gives you lots of variety. Consider loading half of your plate with vegetables, one-quarter of your plate with carbohydrates, and one-quarter with lean meats. Eating balanced meals also helps regulate blood sugar, ensuring you won’t come crashing down after a carb-heavy meal or feel bloated and tired from overdoing it.

A healthy new year for you

Innova Primary Care is dedicated to treating the whole person. We also know that health is incredibly complex yet simple all at the same time. We want you to experience your healthiest year yet. If you need some assistance, please reach out. Let us help you craft a plan for health and see it to the end.