The flu vaccine is here. Chances are you have seen it marketed at your local grocery store or pharmacy. We have it in stock NOW at Innova Primary Care. Have you ever wondered why your local physician isn’t able to offer the flu shot at the same time as large corporate supermarkets or big chain pharmacies like CVS or Walgreens? Well, we want to talk about that with you today. Innova Primary Care is completely invested in the health of the residents of Huntsville, AL. We take a patient-centered approach to care always. We want to see our patients thrive, and flu season is no exception.

The flu vaccine is the result of diligent, comprehensive, and collective research by experts. The reason why you may see it available in large pharmacies and grocery stores before your local physician is pretty simple: Money. Large retail businesses have the ability to purchase large quantities of the vaccine before family physicians because have the financial resources available before your small business physician does. Don’t worry though, we have plenty in stock now and are ready to serve our patients.

What do I need to know about the flu vaccine?

First and foremost, the flu vaccine changes every single year. Why? Because the viruses that cause flu change as well. Experts diligently work to create a vaccine that will combat the strains of the flu virus most likely to cause illness. Each year a new vaccine is created to match and combat viruses that are moving within the northern hemisphere. Accuracy and effectiveness matter with the flu vaccine and although medical experts and scientists work to create the most viable vaccine possible, there is always a chance that the vaccine efficacy will vary from year to year.

Get The Flu Shot - Innova Primary Care

You still need to get the vaccine

It’s easy to believe that because you were vaccinated the previous year, you will be protected now. However, this simply is not the case. Here is what you need to know! The flu vaccine is your absolute best bet against contracting the flu virus. Is it perfect? No. However, the vaccine for the 2020 – 20201 flu season is your best chance against becoming ill from the possible strains circulating within the United States at this time. If you have to travel to the southern hemisphere, you will want to consider getting the flu shot created specifically for that region. Yes, the flu shot changes depending on where you are in the world.

How do officials decide which viruses to use in the flu vaccine?

Did you know that over 100 countries are continually monitoring and collecting data for information on influenza? There are multiple strains of influenza viruses and these agencies search for and research which of these viruses are most likely to result in the development of the flu from year to year. Data taken from ill patients, current circulating viruses, coupled with surveillance and clinical studies all contribute to the collaborative creation of the flu vaccine from year to year. This is why the vaccine changes.

Many people are under the false impression that the vaccine will completely safeguard you from getting the flu. While we certainly hope this is the case, you may still contract flu type A or B. The great news is that studies show having a vaccine will lessen the severity of symptoms and reduce the likelihood you will endure a hospital stay should you contract the flu. So, while you may believe you are protected in the current flu season because you had a vaccination the previous year, this simply is not the case.

Flu Vaccine - Innova Primary Care

Development starts early

Another interesting fact is that manufacturers of the flu vaccine may begin the vaccine development process in as early as January in order for it to be ready for the fall flu season. Armed with research data and science, the creation of the flu vaccine is still the best guess. This may seem disheartening, but please know that your best defense against contracting the flu is still the flu shot.

So, what is the flu in a nutshell? The flu is a respiratory illness resulting from an influenza virus. This contagious illness may be mild to severe in nature and affect the nose and throat and at times the lungs. The symptoms of the flu generally come on suddenly and may include:


Fever (not everyone has a fever with the flu)


Muscle aches

Body aches



Vomiting and Diarrhea (these symptoms tend to be most common in children)

To further the matter, the flu can lead to further complications, some of which are life-threatening. These complications include ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, and inflammation to certain organs including the brain, heart, and muscle tissue.

Now that we’ve covered the symptoms, let’s talk about vulnerable populations

Now, anyone can get the flu, and if you have had it, you know it is no joke. However,  those under the age of 2, over the age of 65, and anyone suffering from a chronic illness such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, a compromised immune system, metabolic disorder, obesity, and more, you need the added protection from a flu shot.

The bottom line is that Innova Primary Care recommends the flu shot for everyone.

Innova Primary Care believes in treating the whole person. One way we do this is with preventative care, and we believe the flu shot is part of that equation. We know the flu vaccine is not perfect, but it offers the best available defense against the flu. Science-backed research shows that even if you end up contracting the illness, the flu shot will help lessen the severity. If you have questions, we are here to help in the best way we can. Contact our office today! We want to see you well.