We don’t know about you, but when the first daffodils begin to emerge here in Huntsville, AL, we are already dreaming about lazy days on the beach and a slower pace of life. If you cannot tell, we here at Innova Primary Care are excited about the summer season. Warmer weather and longer days mean we all begin to remove the layers of cold-weather gear and make a break for sunny days. Summer is just plain good for the soul; it is also a great time to implement strategies for a healthier you. Make this summer the time you create the healthy lifestyle you envision for yourself.

Living Healthy - Innova

Staying Healthy This Summer

The changing of the seasons is a great time to reflect upon your health and make changes for the better. Summer is traditionally a season full of fun and sun. The kids are out of school, and vacation plans become a reality, finally! So much life happens within the short span of the summer months, and it can be easy to brush your health aside. We are here to say that your health and your fun can coexist harmoniously during the summer. Why not take in all the beauty, downtime, relish in family and friendships, and keep your health in check? You can have your healthiest summer yet. Small Changes For Staying Healthy

You do not have to wait for the “perfect” time to make positive changes. You can start today. Often people let the thought of making sweeping changes overwhelm them. This is perfectly understandable. Deciding to make better choices for your health is only the first part of creating a healthy lifestyle. You have to take action as well. However, you do not have to completely overhaul your life to make significant health strides. With this information in mind (and before we get into our top summer health tips), commit to making a small change. Once you experience success in the small things, we guarantee you will feel empowered to continue with your progress.

Tips For Staying Healthy

Start small and enjoy your accomplishments. Here are some excellent summer health tips to get you started.

Don’t forget the sun screen

Did you know that cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the world? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, a fifth of all Americans – that’s one in five – will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. There are more skin cancer diagnoses each year than all other cancer diagnoses combined. Think back over your time in the sun for a moment. The risk for melanoma doubles for anyone who has had at least five sunburns in their lifetime.

The best thing you can do for your skin this summer is to stay safe in the sun. When you are outdoors, try to cover up your skin and eyes with protective clothing and eye wear. Be sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply every two hours.  

Hydrate - Innova

Beat the heat with hydration

We just touched on the importance of sunscreen, but your skin isn’t the only thing that can be affected by the sun. Summer is prime time for heatstroke and heat-related illnesses. This is especially true for those with chronic health conditions.

To ensure heat safety, be sure to stay hydrated properly for your individual health needs. There is no standard when it comes to the amount of hydration every individual will need. The amount of water you need to consume will depend on your specific needs. However, women can aim for about 2.7 liters of water per day, and men should shoot for at least 3.7 liters.

The amount of water you need will increase with activity, so be mindful of your exertion levels. Be mindful of the signs of dehydration too. Headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, and dizziness are all signs of dehydration. Adults may also experience extreme thirst, dark urine, or urinating less than usual. If any of these symptoms arise, up your water intake and contact medical help.

Get moving

Summer is a great time to implement more movement. You do not have to go to extremes here either. The CDC recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Broken down, this is just thirty minutes of exercise five days a week.

When in doubt, move it out.

What does this mean exactly? There are ways to get movement in throughout the day. If you have a desk job or sit for hours at a time, try to get up and include activity at least once an hour. You don’t have to run sprints for this to be effective. Stand and walk for a few minutes, do a set of push ups, lap the hallway for a few moments; anything is better than nothing.

Eat seasonally

Summer is ripe with fresh fruits and vegetables and a great time to think about your nutrition. One of the things that makes summer such a magical time is the plethora of delicious in-season produce readily available.

Fruits and vegetables are high in phytochemicals and antioxidants and a great way to boost your health. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, however, only one out of every ten adults gets enough vegetables in their diet. There is definitely room for improvement here. You can boost your health and immunity by including additional servings of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

How do you know what counts as a serving? Generally speaking, roughly one cup of vegetables equals one serving. For leafy greens, two cups are equivalent to a serving. Of course, not every veggie or fruit will fit nicely into a measuring cup, and that’s okay. Here is a handy cheat sheet from the American Heart Association on portion sizes.

Don’t overthink it. Reach for fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables at least 5 times a day. 

Staying Healthy With Innova

Summer is here, and Innova Primary Care wants to see you live your healthiest one yet. We hope these tips get you thinking about your health and help you start making small changes that really make a huge impact.