In today’s digital age, screens have become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions, screens offer immense benefits but also raise concerns about excessive use. As families strive to strike a balance between technology and healthy living, it is crucial to establish safe limits for screen time. Innova Primary Care understands that health and well-being can be complex topics. We also know that too much time on screens and in sedentary positions isn’t good for anyone. This blog post will delve into the recommended guidelines, scientific research, and expert opinions to help families determine the safest limits for screen time.

Understanding Screen Time 

Screen time refers to the amount of time individuals spend engaged with screens for various activities, such as watching videos, playing games, browsing the internet, or using social media. According to Medline Plus, screen time is usually a sedentary activity as well. While screens can provide educational, social, and entertainment opportunities, excessive time in front of screens has been associated with adverse effects on physical health, mental well-being, and cognitive development, especially in children.

Recommended Guidelines

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides valuable recommendations regarding screen time for children. For children aged 18 to 24 months, they suggest avoiding screen time, except for video chatting and possibly including educational programs alongside their caregivers.

For children aged 2 to 5 years, screen time should be limited to one hour per day, focusing on high-quality educational content. Additionally, parents should prioritize physical activity and ensure adequate sleep. For older children and teenagers, the AAP advises consistent limits, emphasizing the importance of quality content, balanced schedules, and involvement in other activities.

Scientific Research

Several studies have examined the effects of excessive screen time on various aspects of health. For example, prolonged screen exposure has been linked to sedentary behavior, which contributes to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and musculoskeletal issues. Additionally, excessive screen use can negatively impact sleep patterns, leading to sleep deprivation, impaired cognitive function, and mood disturbances.

Cognitive development is another important aspect affected by excessive screen time. Some studies suggest that excessive screen use in early childhood may hinder language development, social skills, attention span, and more. This does not mean that screens cannot be a part of healthy development. However, you should know the impact of screens on cognitive development is complicated and can depend on various factors such as content quality, parental involvement, and the presence of interactive elements.

Screen Time

Screen time limits for children issue depicted with child holding blackboard with text and copy space

Safe Limits for Families

Establishing safe limits for screens requires a balanced approach that takes into account individual needs, age, and developmental stage. It can be challenging to determine what is best so here are a few considerations: 

Set clear rules: Establish consistent rules and guidelines regarding screen time that are age-appropriate and well-communicated within the family.

Encourage quality content: Prioritize educational and interactive content that promotes learning, creativity, and critical thinking. And parents, be aware of the downsides to access. Internet safety is crucial for everyone. Know what your children and teens are watching. Monitor websites and set privacy settings. Keep a list of all passwords and an eye out on any accounts on your digital devices. 

Promote active breaks: Encourage regular breaks for physical activity, such as outdoor play, sports, or family outings, to counteract sedentary behavior.

Family engagement: Screens don’t have to divide your family! You can use your devices as an opportunity for family bonding by engaging in joint activities, such as watching movies, playing video games together, or discussing content.

Lead by example: Parents should model healthy screen habits by limiting their own time and engaging in offline activities.

What do the experts say

Numerous experts support the notion of establishing safe limits. Pediatricians, psychologists, and child development experts emphasize the need for a balanced approach, which includes setting limits, monitoring content, and encouraging healthy alternatives to screen time.

You can find a balance between screen time, family time, movement, and joy. It just takes awareness and practice on your part. 

Screen Time

Putting it all together

Here at Innova, we love technology. We use it every day as we care for our patients. We understand that screen time has become an integral part of modern life, and we want you and your family to be safe.

Establish safe limits for screen time. Try following recommended guidelines and consider scientific research and expert opinions into your decisions around screens. Your family can strike a balance between technology and healthy living. Remember, moderation and quality content are key to harnessing the benefits of screens while minimizing potential risks.