The start of a new school year is always an exciting time, and for students in the Huntsville and Madison area, we are already off to the races for the school hear. However, as exciting as a new start is, it can also be a little overwhelming—for both kids and parents. Between new routines, different teachers, and busier schedules, it’s easy for health to take a backseat. But keeping your kids healthy doesn’t have to be complicated! 

Here at Innova Primary Care we treat the whole person. We understand that health and wellness are more than simply the absence of disease and we are committed to revolutionizing healthcare from the inside out. With two offices in Huntsville and Madison, we are equipped to serve the entire family! And, because many of us are parents too, we understand the complexities and joys a new school year can bring. We want to see all of our patients thrive so read on for some simple steps you can take to ensure your child starts the school year strong.

Back to School

Get Moving: The Importance of Regular Exercise

We all know that exercise is important, but when school starts, finding time for it can be tricky. However, staying active is key to keeping your kids healthy, both physically and mentally. Here’s how you can make sure they’re getting enough exercise:

  1. Make it a Routine: Kids thrive on routines, so try to carve out specific times during the day for physical activity. It could be a morning bike ride, a post-school walk, or weekend trips to the park.
  2. Keep it Fun: Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, the more fun it is, the more likely your kids are to stick with it. Think about activities they enjoy—whether it’s soccer, dancing, or even a good old-fashioned game of tag. The goal is to keep them moving.
  3. Get Involved: Be a role model by being active yourself. Join in on the fun, whether it’s a family hike, a game of catch, or even a dance-off in the living room. When kids see you prioritizing exercise, they’re more likely to do the same. You can even pick an event to train for and do it as a family allowing for active time together that also builds relationships.
  4. Mix It Up: Variety is the spice of life, right? The same goes for exercise. Try to incorporate different types of activities that work on various aspects of fitness, like strength, flexibility, and endurance. This can include anything from yoga to swimming to a backyard obstacle course.

Healthy Eating Habits: Fueling Young Minds and Bodies

A healthy diet is essential for keeping kids energized and ready to tackle the school day. But with busy mornings and picky eaters, it’s not always easy to ensure they’re eating right. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Start with Breakfast: It really is the most important meal of the day, especially for kids. A good breakfast should include a mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep them full and focused. Think oatmeal with fruit and nuts, a smoothie packed with spinach and yogurt, or whole grain toast with avocado and eggs.
  2. Pack Smart Lunches: When packing lunch, aim for a balanced mix of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein. If your child buys lunch at school, check the menu ahead of time and help them make healthy choices. And don’t forget to include a water bottle to keep them hydrated throughout the day!
  3. Snack Wisely: Snacks are a great opportunity to sneak in some extra nutrients. Keep easy, healthy options on hand, like sliced veggies, fruit, yogurt, or nuts. Try to avoid processed snacks that are high in sugar and low in nutrition.
  4. Dinner Together: Whenever possible, try to have dinner as a family. Not only does it give you a chance to catch up on everyone’s day, but it’s also a great way to model healthy eating habits. Involve your kids in meal planning and preparation—they’re more likely to eat what they’ve helped make!
  5. Be Mindful of Portions: Kids need the right amount of food for their age, so try to avoid oversized portions. Encourage them to listen to their hunger cues and stop eating when they’re full, rather than cleaning their plate.

Stress Management: Keeping Calm in the Midst of School Chaos

School can be a stressful time for kids, with academic pressures, social challenges, and extracurricular activities all competing for their attention. Teaching them how to manage stress early on can help them stay healthy and happy. Here’s how:

  1. Open Communication: Make sure your kids know they can talk to you about anything that’s bothering them. Encourage open, honest conversations and be a good listener. Sometimes, just knowing that someone is there to support them can make a big difference.
  2. Teach Relaxation Techniques: Help your child develop relaxation strategies that work for them. This could be deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or even just taking a few minutes to listen to music or read a book.
  3. Balance School and Play: While school is important, it’s equally important for kids to have time to play and unwind. Encourage a healthy balance between academics and leisure activities. Too much pressure to succeed can lead to burnout, even at a young age.
  4. Monitor Screen Time: While screens are a big part of modern life, too much can add to stress. Set limits on screen time, especially before bed, and encourage other forms of entertainment like reading, drawing, or playing outside.
  5. Sleep Matters: Stress is often exacerbated by lack of sleep. Make sure your kids are getting enough rest by establishing a consistent bedtime routine. Aim for at least 9-11 hours of sleep each night, depending on their age.

Back to School

Doctor Visits: Starting the Year with a Clean Bill of Health

Before the school year kicks into high gear, it’s a good idea to make sure your child’s health is up to date. Here are some key doctor visits and checks to consider:

  1. Annual Physical: An annual check-up is a great way to catch any potential health issues early on. Your child’s doctor will likely check their growth, development, and overall health. This is also a good time to discuss any concerns you might have, from nutrition to behavior.
  2. Vision and Hearing Tests: Clear vision and hearing are crucial for learning. Make sure your child has their eyes and ears checked before school starts, especially if they’ve been struggling in these areas.
  3. Immunizations: Double-check that your child is up to date on all required immunizations. Schools usually require certain vaccines, and staying current helps protect not just your child, but also their classmates.
  4. Dental Check-Up: Don’t forget about those pearly whites! A dental check-up can help prevent cavities and other issues that could become a distraction during school.
  5. Mental Health Check-In: If your child has been showing signs of anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns, it’s important to address these with a professional. Early intervention can make a big difference in your child’s well-being.

Final Thoughts: Set Them Up for Success

A new school year is a fresh start, and by focusing on these key areas—exercise, nutrition, stress management, and health check-ups—you can help set your kids up for success. Remember, it’s not about being perfect but about creating healthy habits that will benefit them throughout the year. Encourage your kids to take care of their bodies and minds, and don’t forget to take care of yourself, too. A happy, healthy family is the best foundation for a great school year!

Innova Primary Care is your home for patient centered family care. We want to see all of our patients of every age thrive in their daily lives. If you are in search of a physician who will partner with you every step of the way, please contact our offices today.